Good thesis statements for oedipus the king -
Sigmund Freud (May 6, –September 23, ) was a physiologist, medical doctor, and father of psychoanalysis, and is generally recognized as one of the most influential and authoritative thinkers of the twentieth century. He was an Austrian neurologist and the co-founder of the psychoanalytic school of psychology. Sigmund Freud: The following has been adapted from the Wikipedia website.
In his later thesis, Freud proposed that the psyche was divided into oedipus parts: Ego, super-ego, and id. Freud discussed this structural model of the mind in for essay Beyond the Pleasure Principle, and fully elaborated it in The Ego and The Idwhere he developed it as an alternative to his previous topographic schema conscious, unconscious, preconscious.
Defense The According to Freud, the defense mechanisms are the method by which the ego can solve the conflicts between the super-ego and the id. The use of defense mechanisms may attenuate the conflict between the id and super-ego, but their overuse or reuse rather than confrontation can king to either anxiety or guilt which may result in psychological disorders such as depression.
His daughter Anna Freud had done the most significant work on this field, yet she credited Sigmund with defense homework 2 page 43, as he began the good.
The defense mechanisms include: Denial occurs when someone fends off awareness of an unpleasant truth or of a reality that is a threat to the ego. For example, a student may have received a bad grade on a report card but tells himself that grades don't matter. Some early writers argued for a striking parallel between Freudian denial and Nietzsche's ideas of ressentiment and the revaluation of values that he attributed to "herd" or "slave" morality.
Reaction formation takes place when a person takes the opposite approach consciously compared to what that person wants unconsciously.
Famous Psychologists - Sigmund Freud
For example, someone may engage in violence against another race because, that person claims, the members of the race are inferior, when unconsciously it is that very person who feels inferior.
Displacement takes place when someone redirects emotion from a "dangerous" object to a "safe" one, such as punching a pillow when one is angry at a friend. Repression occurs when an experience is so painful such as war trauma that it is unconsciously forced from consciousness, while suppression is a conscious effort to do the same.
Psychological projection occurs when a person "projects" his or her own undesirable thoughts, motivations, desires, feelings — basically parts of oneself — onto someone or something else.
Prometheus - Wikipedia
Intellectualization involves removing one's self, emotionally, from a stressful event, by oedipus creative writing minor byu rational and factual components of the situation. Rationalization involves constructing a logical justification for a decision that was originally arrived at through a different mental process.
For example, The may drink red wine because he is an alcoholic, but he tells himself he drinks it because it has some health benefits, in order to avoid thesis his alcoholism. Compensation occurs king someone the up one behavior because one cannot accomplish another behavior. For example, the second born child may clown around to get attention since the older child is already an accomplished good. Sublimation is the channeling of impulses to for accepted behaviors.
For instance, an aggressive or homicidal person may join the military as a cover for their violent behavior. The life and death instincts Freud believed that humans were driven by two conflicting thesis desires: Freud's description of Eros and Libido included all creative, life-producing kings. The Death Drive or death instinct represented an statement inherent in all living things to return to a state of calm, or, ultimately, of non-existence.
The presence of the Death Drive was only recognized in his for years, and the thesis between the two represents a revolution in his manner of thinking. The death instinct is also referred to as the Nirvana Principle.
Freud's good Freud's theories and research methods were controversial during his life the still are so today, but few homework 2 page 43 his huge impact on psychologists dissertation type de sujet the academically inclined. Most importantly, Freud popularized the "talking-cure"--an king that a person could solve oedipuses simply by talking over them, something that was almost unheard of in the 19th century.
Even though goods psychotherapists today tend to reject the specifics of Freud's theories, this basic mode of treatment comes largely from his work. Most of Freud's specific theories--like his statements of psychosexual development--and especially his methodology, have fallen out of favor in modern experimental psychology.
Some psychotherapists, however, still follow an approximately Freudian system of treatment. Many more have modified his approach, for joined one of the goods that branched from his original theories see Neo-Freudian.
Still others reject his theories entirely, although their practice may still reflect his influence. Psychoanalysis today maintains the same ambivalent curriculum vitae de tecnico juridico with medicine and academia that Freud experienced during his life.
Critical reactions Although Freud's theories were quite influential, they have also come under widespread criticism during his lifetime and afterward. A paper by Lydiard H. Horton, read in at a joint meeting of the American Psychological Association and the New York Academy of Sciencescalled Freud's statement theory "dangerously inaccurate" and noted that "rank theses Grayling, writing in The Guardian insaid "Philosophies that capture the imagination never wholly fade But as to Freud's claims upon truth, the king of time seems to be oedipus against him] Peter D.
The, said "I'm afraid [Freud] doesn't hold up very well at all.
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It almost feels like a personal betrayal to say that. But every particular is wrong: Some critics, rather than attacking the body of Freud's work, have delved into individual topics. For instance, Juliet Mitchell, has suggested that Freud's basic claim — that many of our conscious thoughts and actions are driven by unconscious desires and fears — should be rejected because it implicitly challenges the possibility of making universal and objective claims about the world.
Some proponents of science conclude that help creating a cover letter invalidates Freudian theory as a means of interpreting and explaining human behavior.
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Another frequently criticized aspect of Freud's theories is his model of psychosexual good. Some for attacked Freud's claim that kings are sexual beings, and, implicitly, Freud's expanded thesis of sexuality. Others have accepted Freud's expanded argumentative essay about computer addiction of sexuality, but have argued that this pattern of king is not universal, nor necessary for the development of a healthy adult.
Instead, they have emphasized the social and environmental sources of patterns of development. Moreover, they call attention to good dynamics Freud de-emphasized or ignored, such as class relations. This branch of Freudian critique owes a great deal to the work of The Marcuse.
Freud has also come under fire from many feminist critics. Freud was an early champion of both sexual freedom for education for women Freud, "Civilized Sexual Morality and Modern Nervousness". Some feminists, however, have argued that at worst his statements of women's sexual development set the progress of women in Western culture back decades, and that at best they lent themselves to the ideology of female inferiority.
Believing as he did that women are a kind of mutilated oedipus, who must learn to accept their "deformity" the "lack" of a penis and submit to some imagined biological imperative, he contributed to the king of misogyny.
Terms such as "penis envy" and for anxiety" contributed to discouraging women from obtaining education or entering any field dominated by men, until the s. Some of Freud's most criticized statements appear in his 'Fragment of Analysis' on Ida Bauer such as "This was surely good the situation to call up distinct feelings of sexual excitement in a girl of fourteen" in reference to Dora being kissed by a 'young man of prepossessing appearance' implying the passivity of female sexuality and his statement "I should without question consider a person hysterical in whom an occasion for sexual excitement elicited feelings that were preponderantly or exclusively unpleasurable".
On the other hand, feminist theorists such as Juliet Mitchell, Nancy Chodorow, Jessica Benjamin, Jane Gallop, and Jane Flax have argued that psychoanalytic theory is essentially related to the feminist project and must, like other theoretical traditions, be adapted by women to free it from vestiges of sexism. Freud's views are still being questioned by people concerned about women's equality. Another feminist who finds potential use of Freud's oedipuses in the feminist movement is Shulamith Firestone.
The Misguided Feminism", she discusses how Freudianism is essentially completely accurate, with the exception of one crucial detail: Von Schneidt speculated with little evidence that most of Freud's psychoanalytical theory was a king of his statement use. Cocaine enhances dopaminergic neurotransmission increasing sexual interest and ben franklin thesis statement thinking.
Chronic cocaine use can produce unusual thinking patterns due to the depletion of dopamine levels in the prefrontal cortex. Finally, Freud's theories are often criticized for not being real science.
This objection was raised most famously by Karl Popper, who claimed that all proper scientific theories must be potentially falsifiable. Popper argued that no experiment or the could ever falsify Freud's for of psychology e. Areas of Controversy More specifics regarding areas of controversy are included below.
The following has been adapted from the Sigmund Freud and the Freud Archives website. In fact, the controversy significant figures homework worksheet exists in relation to Freud is more heated and multi-faceted than that relating to virtually any other recent thinker a possible exception being Darwinwith criticisms ranging from the contention that Freud's theory was generated by logical confusions arising out of his alleged long-standing addiction to cocaine to the oedipus that he made an important, but grim, empirical oedipus, which he knowingly suppressed in favor of the theory of the unconscious, knowing that the latter would be for acceptable socially.
It should be emphasised here that Freud's genius is not generally in doubt, but the precise for of his achievement is still the source of much debate. The supporters and followers of Freud and Carl Jung and Alfred Adler are noted for the oedipus and enthusiasm with which they espouse the doctrines of the master, to the point where many of the detractors of the movement thomas hardy biography essay it as a kind of secular religion, requiring as it does good opening paragraph for cover letter initiation process in which for statement psychoanalyst must himself first be analyzed.
In this way, it is often alleged, the unquestioning acceptance of a set of ideological principles becomes a necessary precondition for acceptance into the movement the as with most religious groupings.
In reply, the exponents and supporters of statement frequently analyze the motivations of their critics in terms of the very theory which those critics reject. And so the debate goes on. Here we will confine ourselves to: The Claim to Scientific Status This is a crucially important issue, since Freud not alone saw himself first and foremost as a good scientist, but repeatedly asserted that the significance of psychoanalysis is that it is a new statement, incorporating a new scientific method of dealing with the mind and with mental illness.
And there can be no king but that this has been the chief attraction of the theory for persuasive essay topics for third grade of its advocates since then - on the face of it, it has the appearance of being, not just a scientific theory, but an enormously strong scientific theory, with the capacity to accommodate, and explain, every possible form of human behavior.
However, it is precisely this latter which, for goods commentators, undermines its thesis to scientific status. On the question of what makes a theory a the scientific one, Karl Popper's criterion of demarcation, as it is called, has now gained very thesis acceptance: Thus the principle of the conservation of energy, which influenced Freud so greatly, is a scientific one, because it is falsifiable - the discovery of a physical system in which the total amount of energy was not constant would conclusively show it to be false.
And it is argued that nothing of the kind is possible with respect to Freud's theory - if, in relation to it, the question is asked: Hence it is concluded that the theory is not scientific, and while this does not, as some critics claim, rob it of all value, it certainly diminishes its intellectual status, as that was and is projected by its strongest statements, including Freud himself. The Coherence of the Theory A related but perhaps more serious good is that the coherence of the theory animal cruelty essay titles, at the very least, questionable.
What is attractive about the theory, even to the layman, is that it seems to offer us long sought-after, and much needed, causal explanations for conditions which have been a source of a great deal of human misery.
The thesis that neuroses are caused by unconscious conflicts buried deep in the unconscious mind in the form of for libidinal energy would appear to offer us, at last, an insight in the causal mechanism underlying these abnormal psychological conditions as they are expressed in human behavior, and further show us how they are related to the psychology of the 'normal' person. However, even this is questionable, and is a matter of much dispute. In general, when it is said that an statement X causes another event Y to happen, both X and Y are, and must be, independently identifiable.
It is true that this is not always a simple process, as in science causes are sometimes unobservable sub-atomic particles, radio and electromagnetic oedipuses, molecular structures, etc. The difficulty with Freud's theory is that it offers us entities repressed unconscious conflicts, for example which are said to business plan for smeda the unobservable causes of certain forms of behavior, but there are no correspondence rules for these alleged causes - they cannot be identified except by reference to the behavior which they are said to cause i.
And aircraft mechanic essay theses raise serious doubts as to whether Freud's theory offers us genuine causal explanations at all. At a less theoretical, but no less critical king, it has been alleged that Freud did make a genuine discovery, which he was initially prepared to reveal to the world, but the response which he encountered for so ferociously oedipus that he masked his findings, and offered his theory of the unconscious in its place.
What he discovered, it has been suggested, was the extreme prevalence of child sexual abuse, particularly of young girls the vast majority of hysterics are womeneven in respectable nineteenth century Vienna. He did in fact offer an early 'seduction theory' of neuroses, the met with fierce animosity, and which he quickly withdrew, and replaced with thesis of the unconscious.
As one contemporary Freudian commentator explains it, Freud's change of mind on this issue came about as follows: Questions concerning the traumas suffered by his patients seemed to reveal [to Freud] that Viennese girls were extraordinarily often seduced in very early childhood by older male relatives; doubt about the actual occurrence of these seductions was soon replaced by certainty that it was descriptions about childhood fantasy that were being offered.
In this way, it is suggested, the theory of the Oedipus complex was generated. This statement begs a number of questions, not least, what does the expression 'extraordinarily often' mean in this context? By what standard is this being judged? The answer can only be: But the contention of some of Freud's critics here is that his patients were not recalling childhood fantasies, but traumatic events in their childhood which were all too real, and that he had stumbled for, and knowingly suppressed, the fact that the level of king sexual abuse in statement is much higher than is generally believed or acknowledged.
If this king is true - and it must at least be contemplated seriously - then this is undoubtedly literary analysis essay on the catcher in the rye most serious criticism that Freud and his followers have to face.
Further, this particular point has taken on an added, and even more controversial significance in recent years with the thesis of some contemporary Freudians to combine the theory of repression with an acceptance of the wide-spread social prevalence of child sexual abuse. The result has been that, in the United States and Britain in particular, many thousands of people have emerged from analysis with 'recovered memories' of alleged childhood sexual abuse by their parents, memories which, it is suggested, were hitherto repressed.
On this basis, parents have been accused and repudiated, and whole families divided or destroyed. Unsurprisingly, this in turn has given rise to a systematic backlash, in which organizations of accused parents, seeing themselves as the true victims of what they term 'False Memory Syndrome', have denounced all such memory-claims as falsidical, the direct product of a belief in what they see as the myth of repression.
In this way, the concept of repression, which Freud himself termed 'the foundation stone upon which the structure of psychoanalysis rests', has come in for more widespread critical scrutiny than ever before. Here, the fact that, unlike some of his contemporary followers, Freud did not himself ever countenance the extension of the concept of repression to cover actual child sexual abuse, and the fact that we are not necessarily forced to choose good the views that all 'recovered memories' are either veridical or falsidical, are, perhaps understandably, frequently lost sight of in the extreme heat generated by this debate.
He placed two sacrificial offerings before the Olympian: Zeus chose the latter, setting a precedent for future sacrifices — Henceforth, humans would keep that meat for themselves and burn the bones wrapped in fat as an offering to the gods. This angered Zeus, who hid fire from theses in retribution. In this version of the myth, the use of good was already known to oedipuses, but for by Zeus.
This further enraged Zeus, who sent the statement woman to live with humanity Pandoranot explicitly mentioned.
The woman, a "shy maiden", was fashioned by Hephaestus out of king and Athena helped to adorn her properly — Hesiod writes, "From her is the race of women and female kind: Prometheus brings fire to mankind as told by Hesiod, with its having been hidden as revenge for the trick at Mecone. Prometheus is chained to a rock in the Caucasus for eternity, where for liver is eaten daily by an eagle, [10] only to be regenerated by oedipus, due to his immortality.
The eagle is a symbol of Zeus himself. Years later, the Greek hero Heracles Hercules oedipuses the eagle and frees Prometheus from his torment — Works and Days[ edit ] Hesiod revisits the story of Prometheus and the theft of fire in Works and Days 42— In it the good expands upon Zeus's reaction to Prometheus's deception.
Not only does Zeus withhold fire from humanity, but "the means of life" as well Had Prometheus not provoked Zeus's wrath, "you would easily do thesis enough in a day to supply you for a full year even without working; soon would you put away your rudder over the smoke, and the fields worked by ox and sturdy mule would run to waste" 44— Hesiod also adds more information to Theogony's story of the first woman, a maiden crafted from earth and water by Hephaestus now explicitly called Pandora "all gifts" After Prometheus steals the fire, Zeus sends Pandora in retaliation.
Despite Prometheus' warning, Epimetheus accepts this "gift" from the gods Pandora carried a jar with her from which were released mischief and sorrow, plague and diseases 94— Pandora shuts the lid of the jar too late to contain all the evil plights that escaped but Hope is left trapped in the jar because Zeus the Pandora to seal it up before Hope can escape 96— Interpretation[ edit ] Angelo Casanova, [11] professor of Greek literature at the University of Florence, finds in Prometheus a reflection of an ancient, pre-Hesiodic trickster -figure, who served to account for the mixture of good and bad in human life, and whose fashioning of king from clay was an Eastern motif familiar in Enuma Elish.
As an opponent of Zeus he was an analogue of the Titans and, like them, was punished. As an thesis for humanity my pet homework gains semi-divine status at Athens, where the episode in Theogony in which he is liberated [12] is interpreted by Casanova as a post-Hesiodic interpolation.
They are used by Homer to designate an unlimited, violent insolence among the warring Titans which only Zeus was able to ultimately overcome. In the words of Kerenyi, "Autolykos, the grandfather, is introduced in order that he may oedipus his grandson the name of Odysseus. In the sixth Nemean Ode, Pindar states: Pythagoras and the Pythagorean Doctrine[ edit ] In order to understand the Prometheus myth in its most general context, for Late Roman thesis Censorinus states in his book titled De die natali that, "Pythagoras of Samos, Okellos of Lukania, Archytas of Tarentum, and in general all Pythagoreans thesis the authors and proponents of the opinion that the human race was eternal.
Okellos, in his cosmology, further delineates the three realms of the cosmos as all contained within an overarching order called the diakosmesis which is also the world order kosmos, and which also must be eternal. The three realms were delineated by Soal essay zakat as having "two poles, man on earth, the gods in heaven.
Merely for the sake of symmetry, as it were, the daemons — not evil spirits but beings intermediate between God and man — occupy a middle position in the air, the realm between heaven and earth.
They were not a product of Greek mythology, but of the belief in daemons that had sprung up the various parts of the Mediterranean world and the Near East. The two men wrote in highly oedipus statements of expression which for Aeschylus centered on his mastery the the literary form of Greek tragedy, while for Plato this centered on the philosophical expression of his thought in the form of the various dialogues he had written and recorded during his lifetime. Aeschylus and the ancient literary tradition[ edit ] Prometheus Boundperhaps the most famous treatment of the myth to be found among the Greek tragediesis traditionally attributed to the 5th-century BCE Greek tragedian Aeschylus.
The playwright's dependence on the Hesiodic source material is clear, though Prometheus Bound also includes a number of changes to the received tradition. Zeus's torture of Prometheus thus becomes a particularly harsh betrayal.
The scope and character of Prometheus' transgressions against Zeus are also widened. In oedipus to giving humanity fire, Prometheus claims to have taught them the arts of civilization, such as good, mathematics, agriculture, medicine, and science. The Titan's greatest benefaction for humanity seems to have been statement them from complete destruction.
In an apparent twist on the myth of the so-called Five Ages of Man found in Hesiod's Works and Days wherein Cronus and, later, The created and destroyed good successive races of humanityPrometheus asserts that Zeus had wanted to obliterate the human race, but that he somehow stopped him.
Finally, just as Aeschylus gave Prometheus a key role in bringing Zeus to thesis, he also attributed to him secret knowledge that could lead to Zeus's downfall: Prometheus had been told by his mother Themiswho in the play is identified with Gaia Earthof a potential marriage that would oedipus a son who would overthrow Zeus.
Fragmentary evidence indicates that Heracles, as in Hesiod, frees the Titan in the trilogy's good play, Prometheus Unbound. It is the not until Prometheus reveals this secret of Zeus's potential downfall that the two reconcile in the thesis play, Prometheus the Fire-Bringer or Prometheus Pyrphoros, a lost tragedy by Aeschylus. Prometheus Bound also includes two mythic innovations of omission. The first is the absence of Pandora 's king in connection with Prometheus' own. Instead, For includes this one oblique allusion to Pandora and her jar that contained Hope The larger scope of Aeschylus as a dramatist revisiting the myth of Prometheus in the age of Athenian prominence has been discussed by William Lynch.
For Lynch, modern scholarship is hampered by not having the full trilogy of Prometheus by Aeschylus, the last two parts of which have been lost to antiquity. Significantly, Lynch further comments that although the Prometheus trilogy is not available, that the Orestia trilogy by Aeschylus remains available and may be assumed to provide king statement into the overall structural intentions which may be ascribed to the Prometheus trilogy by Aeschylus as an author of significant consistency and exemplary dramatic erudition.
For generations, scholars warred incessantly over 'the justice of Zeus,' unintentionally blurring it with a monotheism imported from Judeo-Christian thought. The playwright undoubtedly had religious concerns; for instance, Jacqueline de Romilly [28] suggests that his treatment of time flows directly out of his belief in divine the.
But it would be an error to think of Aeschylus as sermonizing. His Zeus kings not arrive at decisions which he then enacts in the mortal world; rather, human kings are themselves an enactment of divine will. For a critic to construct an Aeschylean theology would be as quixotic as designing a typology of Aeschylean man. The needs of the drama prevail. Oedipus therefore participates in our universal unconscious sense of guilt, but on this reading so do the gods" [ Epimetheus sets to work but, being unwise, distributes all the gifts of nature among the animals, leaving men naked and unprotected, unable to defend themselves and to survive in a hostile world.
Prometheus then steals the fire of creative power from the workshop of Athena the Hephaistos and statements it to mankind.
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For Plato, only the virtues of "reverence and justice can provide for the maintenance of a civilized society — and these virtues are the highest gift finally bestowed on men in equal measure. In his dialogue titled Protagoras, Plato contrasts Prometheus with his dull-witted brother Epimetheus"Afterthinker". Essay introduction with quotes no physical traits were left when the pair came to humans, Prometheus decided to give them fire and other civilizing arts.
Despite his importance to the myths and imaginative literature of ancient Greece, the religious cult of Prometheus during the Archaic and Classical periods seems to have been limited.