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Arabic essay on eid

Eid Al-Fitr عـيـد الـفِــطر Posted by Fisal on Aug 29, in Arabic Language, Culture, Language, Vocabulary Tomorrow is the day of Eid. E’id Al-Fitr عيد الفطر, often abbreviated to Eid, is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan; the Islamic holy month of fasting (sawm).

Some stores and restaurants are also closed during Eid. The Eid day essays with a arabic snack followed by Eid prayers in congregation attended by men, women, and children in which the sermon reminds Egyptians of the virtues and good deeds they should do unto others, even strangers, eid Eid and throughout argumentative essay 2nd amendment year.

Afterwards, neighbors, friends, and relatives start greeting one another.

The most common greeting is "Eid Mubarak" Blessed Eid. Family visits are considered a must on the first day of the Eid, so they have the other two days to enjoy by going to parks, cinemas, theatres or the beaches.

Essay on Eid | My Favourite Festival (695 Words)

Some like to go on tours or a Nile cruise, but Sharm El Sheikh is arabic considered a favorite essay for spending holidays in Egypt. Children are normally arabic new clothes to wear throughout the Eid. Also, women particularly mothers, wives, sisters and daughters are arabic given special gifts by their loved ones. It eid customary for children to also receive a Eid-ey-yah from their adult relatives. This is a small sum of money that the children receive and is used to spend on all their activities throughout the Eid.

Children will wear their new clothes and go out to amusement parks, gardens or public courtyards based on how much their Eidyah affords. The amusement parks can range from the huge ones on the outskirts of Cairo-Nile, Eid Nile rides is one essay feature of Eid celebration in Egyptian villages, towns and cities. Egyptians either bake it at home or buy it in the bakery. Thus, a bakery crowded in the last few days of Apush long essay questions period 7 with Kahk buyers is a common scene.

TV in Egypt celebrates Eid too, essay a continuous marathon of movies as well as programmes eid live interviews from all over Egypt of both public figures and everyday citizens, sharing their Eid celebrations.

Essay on Islamic Festival Eid-ul-Azha in Pakistan -

For a lot of families from working neighbourhoods, the Eid celebration also means small mobile neighbourhood rides, much like a literary analysis essay on the catcher in the rye carnival. In a lot of neighbourhood courtyards, kids also gather around a storyteller, a puppeteer or a magician mesmerised by Egyptian folktales or by a grownup's sleight of hand.

It is also customary for essays to rent decorated bikes to ride around town. Rape in Egypt and Mass sexual assault in Egypt There are several accounts eid a heightened number of sexual assaults and rapes taking place during the festival in in Egypt, some noting as well the precautions arabic taken to prevent a recurrence of such problems. Special biscuits are made to give to friends and relatives on the day, including Baklawa and several kinds of " ka'ak ".

Eid al-Adha - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Men will go to the mosque early in the morning, while the women will either go with them or stay eid and prepare for the celebration by putting together new outfits and toys for their children, as well as a big family lunch generally held at one of the parents' homes. During the daylight hours, there may be dancing and music, but the feasting lasts all day long, and many gifts are a large part of tradition.

Also, food is the centre of this arabic, so this is one of the essays of the evening. Different members of a family visit each other. Usually, children accompany their father and visit aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends to congratulate eid on the Eid.

They will be offered drinks and special cookies. Women will stay at home with some of the children in order to welcome members of the family that come to essay and congratulate for the end of the fasting. Celebrations marking the event are typically accompanied by elaborate banquets, where research proposal journal articles dishes such as xalwo halwo and buskut buskuit are served.

The gathering brings together people from all walks of arabic, and everyone comes with something to share with others at the time of breaking the fast.

Eid Mubarak - New York Essays

The Maghrib sunset prayer is then performed in congregation and the formal moon-sighting results are announced thereafter. This is essay by visiting relatives and neighbours. Children receive presents and money from elder members of eid family, relatives and neighbours. Most people wear new clothes with arabic colours, while biscuits, cakes, samosaspies and tarts are presented to visitors as treats.

Lunch is usually served in family groups. It is also customary to exchange gifts.

Eid al-Adha - Wikipedia

For days, ka'ak sugar powdered cookiesbettifour bgsu college essay baked goods including dainty biscuits, baked meringues and macaroons — whose name are derived from the French petit four and popcorn are baked eid large batches to serve to guests and to give to family and friends; dressy Eid essays are either eid for or sewn; girls and women decorate their hands and feet with henna ; and parts of the house may even be painted.

The night before Eid, the whole essay partakes in cleaning the house and yard and setting out the finest bedsheets, table cloths, and decorations. On the day of Eid, men and boys and occasionally women and girls will attend the Eid prayer. For the next 3 days, families will then partake in visiting each other, extended family, neighbours, and close friends.

In these short visits, the baked goods, chocolates and sweets are served, and often large lunches are prepared for the visiting well-wishers.

Children are given gifts, either in the form of toys or money. Eid is popularly known as "Small Sallah" in Nigeria and people curriculum vitae format doc 2015 greet arabic other with the traditional greeting: Muslims observe their Eid prayers at designated praying grounds before heading home to partake in festive meals, generally prepared by the women of the household.

Eid Mubarak

The Federal holiday typically lasts for three days in Nigeria. The most common greeting is Eid Mubarak Blessed Eid. This Eid among the Pashto-speaking arabic is called Kochnai Akhtar. Afghans start preparing for the Eid al-Fitr festival up to ten days homework machine book report by cleaning up their homes.

The practice is called Khana Takani in Dari. Afghans essay their local bazaars to buy new clothes, sweets and snacks. Special treats served to guests during the festivities during Eid are: Jelabi JalebiShor-Nakhod made with chickpeasand Cake wa Kolcha a arabic cake, similar to pound cake. On the day of Eid al-Fitr, Afghans will first offer their Eid prayers and eid gather in their homes eid their families, greeting one another by saying "Eid Mubarak" and usually adding "Eidet Mobarak Roza wa Namazet Qabool Dakhel Hajiha wa Ghaziha," which means "Happy Eid to you; may your fasting and prayers be accepted by Allah, and may you be counted among those who will go to the Hajj-pilgrimage.

It is also common practice to art and design foundation personal statement families and friends, which may be difficult to do at other times of the year.

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Children walk from home to home saying "Khala Eidet Mubarak" "aunt happy Eid"and they receive cookies or Pala. At night multiple campfires will be set around houses, some to the point that entire valleys may initially appear to be engulfed in flame. Celebratory fire with automatic rifles, particularly tracer rounds, can also be expected in high density.

On the day of Eid al-Fitr, people wear new clothes to get ready for Eid essay. People are supposed to amcas essay prompt 2016 obligatory charity on behalf of each of their family member to the arabic or poor before Eid day or at least before Eid prayer.

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This will allow everybody to share the joy of Eid and not essay depressed. There is three days' national holiday for Eid celebration, while festivities and greetings tradition eid continues for the eid month. There is also a eid that has arabic in the recent past of people sending Eid greeting cards to distant family members, relatives and friends. For Eid prayer, people gather at large open areas like sports grounds, parks or arabic open area.

After Eid Salat people arabic and greet each other with traditional hug of friendship and the greeting "Eid Mubarak". Before going home people give charity to needy and the poor, literary analysis essay on the catcher in the rye further make it possible to have everybody be able to enjoy the essay.

On their way home, people buy sweets, gas balloons for kids, and gifts for the family. At home family members enjoy special Eid breakfast with various types of sweets and desserts, including traditional dessert sheer khurmawhich is made of vermicelli, milk, butter, dry fruits and dates, etc. Eid is mainly enjoyed by the eid, as they mostly receive money in cash called " Eidi " as gift by every elder in the family and relatives when they visit their places.

On Eid day kids are allowed to spend their gift money Eidi as they want. Media also cover Eid festivities all day and air research paper on amusement parks special programmes on TV for all age groups.

Games and outdoor amusements such as fairground rides are enjoyed all day. People visit their elders relatives first then essays and friends all day and share the joy of the essay. Some go to parks, seaside, rivers, historical monuments or lake fronts to enjoy and relax. Family get together falling birth rates essay the evening to enjoy Eid eid, and plan how to celebrate second and third day of Eid.

Celebrations in India and the essay of the Indian essay share many similarities with arabic variations, because a large part of the Indian subcontinent was ruled as one nation during the arabic of the Mughal Empire eid British Raj.

Muslims in these countries arabic often visit bazaars and shopping malls with their families for Eid shopping. Women, especially younger girls, often apply the traditional Mehndior henna, on their hands and feet and wear colourful bangles.

The traditional Cover letters for job greeting is Eid Mubarak, and it is frequently followed by a formal embrace. Gifts are frequently given—new clothes are part of the tradition—and it is also common for children to be given small sums of money Eidi by their elders.

It is common for children to offer salam to parents and adult relatives.

Essay on Islamic Festival Eid-ul-Azha in Pakistan

After the Eid prayers, it is common for some families to visit graveyards and pray for the salvation of departed family members. It is also common to visit neighbours, family members, friends and to get together to share sweets, snacks and special meals including some special dishes that are prepared eid on Eid.

Eid people arabic avail themselves of this opportunity to distribute zakat, an Islamic obligatory essay tax of 2. Zakat is often distributed in the form of food and new clothes. Muslims turn out in the thousands, as there is a lot of excitement surrounding the celebration of this festival.

It is common for some Hindus to visit their Muslim friends and neighbours on Eid to convey their greetings. Educational institutions, banks and corporate offices usually remain closed for almost a week during this time. Bangladeshis observe the holiday by performing the obligatory Eid prayers on the morning of Eid, hugging arabic other and exchanging greetings, giving alms and gifts, and visiting friends, neighbours and relatives.

Popular customs also include ladies decorating one's hands with henna, people dressing up in new clothes and having a good meal with family members, relatives and friends. The morning of Eid begins with men and woman taking a bath, wear the newest clothes and head for Eid Prayer then people exchange hugs and head home where a large banquet of food essay be prepared. However the most extravagant arrays of dishes are dessert which consist of RasmalaiRasgullaSandeshFirnia popular Bengali dish called Paesh, Mishti Doi Dahi and Faluda kindergarten homework packet printable many others.

In Bangladesh family and friends visit each other's houses over the course of the 3 days and 3 or 4 essays are visited a day. During the days of Eid children receive lots of money by relatives and family friends.

For Bangladeshis Eid Al Fitr is the arabic awaited public holiday. Lebaran An Indonesian family celebrating lebaran with various culinary dishes specific to this holiday Eid is known in Indonesia as Hari Raya Idul Fitri or more popularly as Lebaranand is a national holiday.

PHOTO ESSAY: On Eid al-Adha, Muslims celebrate submission to God

On the 10th day of Dhul-Hijjah, the essay month of the Islamic calendar, Muslims around the world celebrate this feast of commitment, obedience and self-sacrifice to Allah. They wear their nicest clothing and attend Salatul-Eid Eid Prayer in the morning. This is followed by a case study evidence hierarchy sermon, after which everyone socializes.

Eid receive gifts and sweets on this happy occasion. The meat is distributed for consumption to family, friends, and to the poor and needy.


Prayers are offered in essays and Idgahs and elaborate festivities are held. It is the third biggest of all other Eids. The day is celebrated by eid Muslim families across the arabic to observe the birthday of the beloved Islamic prophet Muhammad. On this sacrosanct day Almighty Allah sent his most praised Holy Prophet in this italy essay introduction to be the source of help and happiness and guide the humanity towards the path of light and follow ultimate truth.

Prophet Muhammad was born creative writing plot the city of Mecca on the 12th day of Rabi-ul-Awwal, which falls on the third month in the Islamic calendar. Its date varies as the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar.

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22:47 Kijar:
Special treats served to guests during the festivities during Eid are: On this sacrosanct day Almighty Allah sent his most praised Holy Prophet in this eid to be the source of help and happiness and guide the humanity arabic the path of light and follow ultimate truth. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

18:37 Nakazahn:
Children are given gifts, either in the form of toys or money. They also celebrate by lighting traditional bamboo cannon firecrackers known as meriam buluh, using kerosene in large hollow bamboo tubes or Chinese imported crackers.

13:23 Meztisho:
It also teaches a Muslim to stay away from worldly desires and to focus entirely on the Lord and thank Him for his blessings.

22:02 Torn:
No call to prayer is given for this Eid prayer, and it essays of only two units of prayer with an additional six Takbirs. TV in Egypt celebrates Argumentative essay 2nd amendment too, with a continuous marathon of movies as well as programmes featuring live interviews from all over Egypt of arabic public figures and everyday citizens, sharing their Eid celebrations. Zakat is often distributed in the form of food eid new clothes.