07.10.2010 Public by Akinolmaran

How to cite a tv show in a research paper

The citation information in the body of the paper itself is called the "in-text citation”. The most obvious time to use it in text is when you use a quote from a source directly or refer to it by title or author.

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Type the word "Aired" followed by the date in month-day-year format. Place a comma after the date, then use the word "on" to introduce the name of the network where the episode originally aired. Place a period after the name of the network. If you watched the episode online, include the URL where the episode can be found at the end of your bibliographic citation.

How to Cite Television Shows in APA Style

Place a period at the end of the URL. Chicago style uses footnotes after any mention of the source in the text of your paper. The information in the footnote is the same as the information in your bibliographic entry, except that the elements of the citation are all separated by commas rather than periods.

You also provide the name of the director in first name-last name format.

How to Cite a Reference for a Documentary Film in a Research Paper | Pen and the Pad

Place a period at the end of your footnote. Method APA 1 List the names of the writers and directors first.

How to Cite TV Show Episodes MLA Style 2016 8th edition

Type the writer's last name followed by a comma, then the writer's first initial and middle initial, if available. Then type the name of the director using the same format. Add the word "Director" in parentheses after the director's name, followed by a period outside the closing parentheses.

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For a TV episode, the date of "publication" is the date the episode first aired. It should also include the year the episode was first broadcast: First, APA how the date of its sources immediately after the author's name in the reference list. Other styles, such as Chicago and Modern Language Association, place this information along with the publisher's information.

Harvard style does not include writer, director or producer information when citing television programs. In addition, APA uses sentence case for the titles of TV shows and episodes, meaning that just the first word of the title and proper nouns names of specific things, argumentative essay about computer addiction and places are capitalized. MLA, on the other hand, uses title case for titles of TV shows and episodes, meaning all of the major words of the title are capitalized.

MLA also places titles of essay double spacing in quotations, while APA cites research titles in paper type without quotations. Cite this Article A tool to create a citation to reference this article Cite this Article. Referring to an Episode of a Series If you're show attention to your analysis of a single TV show episode and you want to know how to cite an episode of a tv show, then you should be aware that you need to cite an episode in its single name on your reference list.

How to Cite a Reference for a Documentary Film in a Research Paper

To accomplish this task, you will list author of that part and also director, and specific date the episode was shown. You will need data about production of that series and studio information as well.

An episode citation should be cited like that: Writer's name and surname in the initial s. Year of coming out. Place the name of the presentation in quotation marks. Follow with publication information for the conference proceedings. Last Name, First Name.

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A Painting, Sculpture, or Photograph Provide the artist's name, the title of the artwork in italics, and the date of composition. Finally, provide the name of the institution that houses the artwork followed by the location of the institution if the location is not listed in the name of the institution, e.

The Art Institute of Chicago. The Family of Charles IV. However, it is not required.

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For photographic reproductions of artwork e. Remember that for a second container, the title is listed first, before the contributors. Cite the bibliographic information as above followed by the information for the source in which the photograph appears, including page or reference numbers plate, figure, etc.

Gardener's Art Through the Ages, 10th ed. Tansey and Fred S. Kleiner, Harcourt Brace, p.

How to Cite Television Shows in APA Style | Pen and the Pad

If you viewed the artwork on the museum's website, treat the name of the website as the container i. Omit publisher information if it is the same as the name of the website. Note the period after the date below, rather than the comma: Thus, MLA format considers it an "optional element. A Song or Album Music can be cited multiple ways.

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10:34 Mozahn:
First, you must write the producer's last name and first initial, followed by the director's last name and first initial.

13:09 Kazrarisar:
The Art Institute of Chicago.

22:23 Kagajar:
Dude ProducerCreatures and monsters. Whether you are are a student or a writer, you have to be aware of our service. If relevant, list performer names after the director's name.

19:54 Bam:
Off centre [Television series]. Next, you list the director, followed by the performers, the studio that produced the documentary, the year, and the word "documentary.

22:06 Tojakasa:
MLA also places titles of episodes in quotations, while APA sets episode titles in regular type without quotations. Referring to an Episode of a Series If you're paying attention to your analysis of a single TV show episode and you want to know how to cite an episode of a tv show, then you should be aware that you curriculum vitae project manager construction to cite an episode in its single name on your reference list. Title of series [Television series].